Vienna is a big city in a small country with a lot of spots and a hefty crew that knows them all. There are dozens of guys over the age of 25 or 30 that still shred on a regular basis. These dudes hold it down and get out there just as hard as the young ones.
We’ve been out in the beautiful streets of Vienna, skating around with a big bunch of guys, looking for spots to get clips on all day. It sure beats sitting in a car in traffic on the freeway, getting kicked out of every business. Filming with Mario Wirnsberger, Philipp Schuster, Sebastian Binder, Daniel Spiegel, Frido Fiebinger, Muki Rustig, Florian Erkinger, Dustin Vonach, Ferit Batir and Stephan Sperker we got some nice footage that we turned into a little skate montage adding a funky edit from BUZZ & PREDDY. We love you Vienna!