If you are in or around Vienna (Austria) end of May, you should check out the VOLT European Skateboard Exposition. Its first edition is going to take place in Vienna at WUK (Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus) on 30.05. & 31.05.2013, and it will represent most of the European Skateboard Industry.
For two consecutive days all the participants can exhibit their best products, work, or ideas.
Everyone who likes to participate at the event will get a special space for showing and selling their own production.
The EXPOSITION will start on May, 30th, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. with a lot of Music, Skate Sessions, Exhibitions, Video Projections…
What’s more -DRINKS&BBQ all day long…
On MAY, 31st, 2013 the doors will be opened at 10:00 a.m. and at 22:00p.m. the Exposition will continue with after party and awards giving.
Small or Big Brands, Magazines, Distributors, Dealers, Manufacturers, Producers, Photographers, Skate Shops, Skateboarders, Bums, Hobos are all welcome…
Thursday, may 30th: 5, -€
Friday, may 31st: 7,-€ (including the after party)
10,-€ for both days.
More info: www.voltexpo.eu
This event is brought to you by
VOLT skateboard shop
Personal Records